I am not a spontaneous person. I like to plan things out. Know what I am going to do. Know how I am going to do it. Vacations and road trips are usually planned weeks or months in advance. I like to make sure I give ample time to employers for time-off request, and to make sure that all arrangements are made. So when my friend, C, suggested that we go on a road trip to D.C. that weekend, and it already being Wednesday, I didn't know if I could pull it off. Personally, I mean... it was not enough time to plan or make sure that my time was approved... It was not enough time to do this my way...
But what is my way? I have passed up a lot of could-be-great experiences just because they did not fit in my time table. I think it was high time that I not let my "adultness" get in the way of some good ol' adventureing... I expect that to be a real word soon.
I still asked my boss for Friday off and I still checked with my sister to make sure we could stay with her... but that was all I was going to do. I have to say that it worked out wonderfully. Weather was great, company fantastic and the jokes rampant. This trip was all about people, memories, and just having fun!
I was completely shown-up in my spontaneity, though, when a friend decided that morning to fly down and join us... always gotta be one uppin' someone don't you, my "international friend of leisure...?!!?!?"
Now, I know that if you look at the list, then you will see that I said completely spontaneous. But what is a girl to do? I threw my back into anyway and I am going to count it... for this round... this might be a step in a more spontaneous direction.
Here's some pics:
Good times!